No Rural Waste Collection on January 30 and 31

Good Afternoon!

We wanted to send out a friendly reminder about the new rural waste schedule that went into effect on January 1st of this year. In addition to some holidays, there will be no waste collection on any 5th Thursday or Friday of the month. For January this year, that means there is no collection on Thursday, January 30th and Friday, January 31st.

In addition to every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, rural waste collection only takes place during the first four Thursdays and Fridays of each month.

In addition to some holidays, there will be NO rural waste pick up on the following dates in 2025:

Thursday, January 30

Friday, January 31

Thursday, May 29

Friday, May 30

Thursday, July 31

Friday, August 29

Thursday, October 30

Friday, October 31

To see the 2025 rural waste schedule, please click here.